Transition To Kindy!

Feb 17, 2020

Making friends and exploring outdoor spaces!

Our Kindy classes have enjoyed the ‘transition’ to Term One. Staff have been able to bond and get to know the children in smaller groups and the children have had an opportunity to learn many of the daily routines and procedures.

Staff have also enjoyed the opportunity to meet and connect with each family. A successful transition to school is much more than a great first day. It is your child feeling welcome, safe and confident in their new Kindy classroom and school environment. It is your child feeling a sense of BELONGING.

Exploring materials and being creative!

Here are some ways you can help your child –

  • be ready to support your child
  • listen to your child’s thoughts about starting school
  • make time to talk, read, play and relax with your child
  • share your positive feelings about school
  • practice new routines
  • encourage your child to know how to seek help
  • make connections with other children and families
  • celebrate starting school!

Help your child with some of the basic skills needed to manage themselves. Help your child to be able to listen and follow instructions.

Listening and following instructions and bonding with teachers!

Reading to children prepares them to grow a vocabulary that will enable and enhance literacy learning. Engage in verbal communication and Talk – Talk – Talk, as much as you can! Read signs, words on cereal boxes, sing songs, use lots of funny rhymes, ask your child questions and really listen! Set up some pretend play opportunities like shops, being a pilot, have a tea party or play in a mud kitchen…

Role Play – Let’s Go Fishing!

Help your child with organisation, gradually encourage your child to be more responsible with things like drink bottles, their lunch boxes, their clothes, putting things away and tidying up.

Making choices, creating and organising materials!

Build connections and friendships, have conversations about how to be a good friend. Help your child to know how to welcome and farewell their teachers and friends and explore simple strategies to play fairly.

Negotiating in play opportunities with others!

The more things your child can do for themselves, the more confident and capable they feel. Start with little things like dressing themselves, washing their own hands and being able to toilet themselves independently. Allow them to have autonomy to choose – would you like an apple or a banana in your lunch box today?

Developing Fine Motor Skills, using materials, problem solving!

Time to play outside freely helps to reduce stress and tension and helps children interact with other children in a much more natural way. Fresh air and the interaction with nature restores children to a more balanced place.

Connecting with nature and building friendships!

We are looking forward to Week 3 and the fun times and learning opportunities with our Kindy groups!



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